Catastrophe Response

Automotive Appraisals, Surveys and Adjustments Intellus Automotive Systems is the first call for insurers and manufacturers to assess damage across a number of vehicles after a catastrophe strikes. Intellus Automotive Services, Appraisal Services, Catastrophe Response, Insurance Claim

Our independent appraisers are experts in assessing all types of damage, including:

hail-icon Hail Damage Assessment – The vehicle has visible and sometimes hard-to-see dings and dents from large ice balls falling on it during a hail storm. A light tunnel is used during the assessment and repair process to identify each and every blemish. If repaired professionally using a technique known as PDR (Paintless Dent Removal), the vehicle’s paint job remains intact, and the value of the car is not diminished.
flood-icon Flood Damage Assessment – When a vehicle is submerged in water, there are a number of damaging effects that can take place. However, just because a car has been flooded doesn’t mean it’s a total loss. It’s important to identify how much of the car was under water and for how long. Visible damage to the interior is easily identified. But, knowing the type of water that flooded the vehicle is also important, as salt water can be more corrosive than fresh water. It’s also important to note that high readings on the oil gauge may indicate water in the system. Trying to start the engine may end up causing even more damage.
wind-icon Wind/Overspray Damage Assessment – Wind or Overspray damage refers to the application of a paint, varnish or stain onto an unintended vehicle due to high winds in the area. Various safeguards are normally implemented to prevent overspray from damaging property, such as: applying paint with rollers instead of sprayers, utilizing contaminant systems and even using wind monitoring programs. The most common removal procedure includes the use of a special clay bar.
derailment-icon Derailment Damage Assessment – In the event that a freight train is derailed and vehicles, components or materials are scattered about a crash site, determining the amount of loss and documenting the materials is essential to filing a comprehensive claim.
fire-icon Fire Damage Assessment – Due to the complexity of the machinery and the mechanical damage fire can do inside and out, Vehicle Fire Appraisals require both keen investigative and observation skills. Often times a Fire Report is required by State and local official. So, whether the fire damage is a result of a warehouse accident, theft or vandalism, an independent fire adjuster will help you determine the amount of loss and give you the records you need to maintain a rebuilt vehicle’s value.
contaminant-icon Contaminant Damage Assessment – For vehicles that have been overwhelmed by smoke, water, mold or other highly toxic contaminant agents, the process of identifying all effected components, evaluating their replacement potential and estimating the real market cost to bring the vehicle back to shape is a rigorous procedure.
vand-icon Vandalism Damage Assessment and Theft Damage Assessment – Defined as the intentional and malicious destruction of or damage to another owner’s vehicle, the damage incurred can range from smashed out windows to slashed tires, fire damage, body damage, paint damage and more. Hiring a professional who will approach the situation clearly to be able to successfully recover what you deserve is essential when facing an insurance claim for theft and property vandalism.
collision-icon Collision Damage Assessment – Also known as Collision Adjustment, this is the evaluation process of determining restorative costs of damage caused by an accident involving other vehicles and objects like guard rails, sign posts, trees and buildings.
We evaluate the value and condition of all types of vehicles, including:

  • Cars
  • Trucks
  • Commercial Vehicles
  • Heavy Machinery
  • Recreational Vehicles

Our team can be on site within 48 hours. And, even though we are known for assessing a large number of vehicles at a time, you can rest assured that each individual assessment will be thorough, accurate and guaranteed. Our inspectors follow a rigorous checklist, and using our proprietary, mobile application, there’s no question that we have our client’s needs in mind at all times – the need for true estimates and best course of action moving forward.